* timer v1.0
* Copyright (C) 2002 Ivo Stoykov (ivostoykov@hotmail.com)
* This class was inspired by:
* Nathan Wallace's article PHP: Hackers Paradise
* (http://www.e-gineer.com/articles/php-hackers-paradise.phtml )
* and
* Allan Kent's article Timing Script Execution
* (sorry but I've lost the url')
* This script is freeware and is realeased under the GPL.
* (see attached file GPL.txt)
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
* You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the license (attached as GPL.txt)
* If you did not receive a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program you could obtain a copy eithrt by writing to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Or by downloading it from http://fsf.org/
* This script is to measure different proceces in your web site.
* You could combine it with logger class so as to be informed. (i.e. how long
* users has stay on a particular page)
CLASS: timer
PURPOSE: compute the time elapsed for a given process (i.e. showing a web page into a browser)
USAGE: 1. include the class file - i.e. include('timer.inc');
2. start the timer. (i.e. $the_time = new timer(); )
3. compute the time elapsed. (i.e. print $the_time->get_elapsed_time(); )
for more info see timerReadMe.txt
// prevent double loading the class module
if ( defined( 'TIMERS_CLASS' ) ) return;
define ('TIMERS_CLASS', 'timers.inc', 1);
class timer {
// global vars
var $timer;
function timer($name = "") {
if(isset($name) && $name != "") {
$this->timer[$name] = array('start' => -1, 'end' => -1, 'total_time' => -1);
} // end if isset block
start the subsequent time
RETURN true if created; false otherwise
PARAMETERS: $name of the timer - could be any valid string
function start_timer($name = "") {
$this->timer[$name]['start'] = $this->set_timer();
// what is this for ?!? ;)
function stop_timer($name = "") {
if(!isset($this->timer[$name]['end']) || $this->timer[$name]['end'] == -1) {
$this->timer[$name]['end'] = $this->set_timer();
$this->timer[$name]['total_time'] = $this->get_end_time($name) - $this->get_start_time($name);
// if timer stopped by mistake get new _END_ time here
function stretch_timer($name = "") {
$this->timer[$name]['end'] = $this->set_timer();
$this->timer[$name]['total_time'] = $this->get_end_time($name) - $this->get_start_time($name);
// set functions
function set_timer() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
} // end function
// get functions
function get_start_time($name = "") {
if($this->timer[$name]['start'] == -1) {
} // end if isset blockset
return $this->timer[$name]['start'];
} // end function
function get_end_time($name = "") {
if(!isset($this->timer[$name]['end']) ||
$this->timer[$name]['end'] == -1) {
return $this->timer[$name]['end'];
} // end function
function get_elapsed_time($name = "") {
if(!isset($this->timer[$name]['total_time']) ||
$this->timer[$name]['total_time'] == -1) {
return $this->timer[$name]['total_time'];
} // end function
// other functions
function reset_timer($name = "") {
if(isset($this->timer[$name])) {
} // end if isset block
} // end function
function reset_all_timers() {
if(isset($this->timer)) {
} // end if isset block
} // end function
} // end of class