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File: htdocs/modules/system/js/code_mirror/parsesparql.js

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  Classes of Michael Beck   Xoops 2.5   htdocs/modules/system/js/code_mirror/parsesparql.js   Download  
File: htdocs/modules/system/js/code_mirror/parsesparql.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Xoops 2.5
Modular content management publication system
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,104 bytes



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var SparqlParser = Editor.Parser = (function () { function wordRegexp(words) { return new RegExp("^(?:" + words.join("|") + ")$", "i"); } var ops = wordRegexp(["str", "lang", "langmatches", "datatype", "bound", "sameterm", "isiri", "isuri", "isblank", "isliteral", "union", "a"]); var keywords = wordRegexp(["base", "prefix", "select", "distinct", "reduced", "construct", "describe", "ask", "from", "named", "where", "order", "limit", "offset", "filter", "optional", "graph", "by", "asc", "desc",]); var operatorChars = /[*+\-<>=&|]/; var tokenizeSparql = (function () { function normal(source, setState) { var ch =; if (ch == "$" || ch == "?") { source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\d]/); return "sp-var"; } else if (ch == "<" && !source.matches(/[\s\u00a0=]/)) { source.nextWhileMatches(/[^\s\u00a0>]/); if (source.equals(">")); return "sp-uri"; } else if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'") { setState(inLiteral(ch)); return null; } else if (/[{}\(\),\.;\[\]]/.test(ch)) { return "sp-punc"; } else if (ch == "#") { while (!source.endOfLine()); return "sp-comment"; } else if (operatorChars.test(ch)) { source.nextWhileMatches(operatorChars); return "sp-operator"; } else if (ch == ":") { source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\d\._\-]/); return "sp-prefixed"; } else { source.nextWhileMatches(/[_\w\d]/); if (source.equals(":")) {; source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\d_\-]/); return "sp-prefixed"; } var word = source.get(), type; if (ops.test(word)) type = "sp-operator"; else if (keywords.test(word)) type = "sp-keyword"; else type = "sp-word"; return {style: type, content: word}; } } function inLiteral(quote) { return function (source, setState) { var escaped = false; while (!source.endOfLine()) { var ch =; if (ch == quote && !escaped) { setState(normal); break; } escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\"; } return "sp-literal"; }; } return function (source, startState) { return tokenizer(source, startState || normal); }; })(); function indentSparql(context) { return function (nextChars) { var firstChar = nextChars && nextChars.charAt(0); if (/[\]\}]/.test(firstChar)) while (context && context.type == "pattern") context = context.prev; var closing = context && firstChar == matching[context.type]; if (!context) return 0; else if (context.type == "pattern") return context.col; else if (context.align) return context.col - (closing ? context.width : 0); else return context.indent + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit); } } function parseSparql(source) { var tokens = tokenizeSparql(source); var context = null, indent = 0, col = 0; function pushContext(type, width) { context = {prev: context, indent: indent, col: col, type: type, width: width}; } function popContext() { context = context.prev; } var iter = { next: function () { var token =, type =, content = token.content, width = token.value.length; if (content == "\n") { token.indentation = indentSparql(context); indent = col = 0; if (context && context.align == null) context.align = false; } else if (type == "whitespace" && col == 0) { indent = width; } else if (type != "sp-comment" && context && context.align == null) { context.align = true; } if (content != "\n") col += width; if (/[\[\{\(]/.test(content)) { pushContext(content, width); } else if (/[\]\}\)]/.test(content)) { while (context && context.type == "pattern") popContext(); if (context && content == matching[context.type]) popContext(); } else if (content == "." && context && context.type == "pattern") { popContext(); } else if ((type == "sp-word" || type == "sp-prefixed" || type == "sp-uri" || type == "sp-var" || type == "sp-literal") && context && /[\{\[]/.test(context.type)) { pushContext("pattern", width); } return token; }, copy: function () { var _context = context, _indent = indent, _col = col, _tokenState = tokens.state; return function (source) { tokens = tokenizeSparql(source, _tokenState); context = _context; indent = _indent; col = _col; return iter; }; } }; return iter; } return {make: parseSparql, electricChars: "}]"}; })();