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File: htdocs/modules/system/js/code_mirror/codemirror.js

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File: htdocs/modules/system/js/code_mirror/codemirror.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Xoops 2.5
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/* CodeMirror main module * * Implements the CodeMirror constructor and prototype, which take care * of initializing the editor frame, and providing the outside interface. */ // The CodeMirrorConfig object is used to specify a default // configuration. If you specify such an object before loading this // file, the values you put into it will override the defaults given // below. You can also assign to it after loading. var CodeMirrorConfig = window.CodeMirrorConfig || {}; var CodeMirror = (function () { function setDefaults(object, defaults) { for (var option in defaults) { if (!object.hasOwnProperty(option)) object[option] = defaults[option]; } } function forEach(array, action) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) action(array[i]); } // These default options can be overridden by passing a set of // options to a specific CodeMirror constructor. See manual.html for // their meaning. setDefaults(CodeMirrorConfig, { stylesheet: "", path: "", parserfile: [], basefiles: ["util.js", "stringstream.js", "select.js", "undo.js", "editor.js", "tokenize.js"], iframeClass: null, passDelay: 200, passTime: 50, lineNumberDelay: 200, lineNumberTime: 50, continuousScanning: false, saveFunction: null, onChange: null, undoDepth: 50, undoDelay: 800, disableSpellcheck: true, textWrapping: true, readOnly: false, width: "", height: "300px", autoMatchParens: false, parserConfig: null, tabMode: "indent", // or "spaces", "default", "shift" reindentOnLoad: false, activeTokens: null, cursorActivity: null, lineNumbers: false, indentUnit: 2 }); function addLineNumberDiv(container) { var nums = document.createElement("DIV"), scroller = document.createElement("DIV"); = "absolute"; = "100%"; if ( { try {"height", "this.previousSibling.offsetHeight + 'px'"); } catch (e) { } // Seems to throw 'Not Implemented' on some IE8 versions } = "0px"; = "hidden"; container.appendChild(nums); scroller.className = "CodeMirror-line-numbers"; nums.appendChild(scroller); return nums; } function CodeMirror(place, options) { // Backward compatibility for deprecated options. if (options.dumbTabs) options.tabMode = "spaces"; else if (options.normalTab) options.tabMode = "default"; // Use passed options, if any, to override defaults. this.options = options = options || {}; setDefaults(options, CodeMirrorConfig); var frame = this.frame = document.createElement("IFRAME"); if (options.iframeClass) frame.className = options.iframeClass; frame.frameBorder = 0; frame.src = "javascript:false;"; = "0"; = '100%'; = '100%'; // display: block occasionally suppresses some Firefox bugs, so we // always add it, redundant as it sounds. = "block"; var div = this.wrapping = document.createElement("DIV"); = "relative"; div.className = "CodeMirror-wrapping"; = options.width; = options.height; if (place.appendChild) place.appendChild(div); else place(div); div.appendChild(frame); if (options.lineNumbers) this.lineNumbers = addLineNumberDiv(div); // Link back to this object, so that the editor can fetch options // and add a reference to itself. frame.CodeMirror = this; = frame.contentWindow; if (typeof options.parserfile == "string") options.parserfile = [options.parserfile]; if (typeof options.stylesheet == "string") options.stylesheet = [options.stylesheet]; var html = ["<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\"><html><head>"]; // Hack to work around a bunch of IE8-specific problems. html.push("<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=EmulateIE7\"/>"); forEach(options.stylesheet, function (file) { html.push("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + file + "\"/>"); }); forEach(options.basefiles.concat(options.parserfile), function (file) { html.push("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + options.path + file + "\"><" + "/script>"); }); html.push("</head><body style=\"border-width: 0;\" class=\"editbox\" spellcheck=\"" + (options.disableSpellcheck ? "false" : "true") + "\"></body></html>"); var doc =;; doc.write(html.join("")); doc.close(); } CodeMirror.prototype = { init: function () { if (this.options.initCallback) this.options.initCallback(this); if (this.options.lineNumbers) this.activateLineNumbers(); if (this.options.reindentOnLoad) this.reindent(); }, getCode: function () { return this.editor.getCode(); }, setCode: function (code) { this.editor.importCode(code); }, selection: function () { this.focusIfIE(); return this.editor.selectedText(); }, reindent: function () { this.editor.reindent(); }, reindentSelection: function () { this.focusIfIE(); this.editor.reindentSelection(null); }, focusIfIE: function () { // in IE, a lot of selection-related functionality only works when the frame is focused if ( this.focus(); }, focus: function () {; if (this.editor.selectionSnapshot) // IE hack, this.editor.selectionSnapshot); }, replaceSelection: function (text) { this.focus(); this.editor.replaceSelection(text); return true; }, replaceChars: function (text, start, end) { this.editor.replaceChars(text, start, end); }, getSearchCursor: function (string, fromCursor, caseFold) { return this.editor.getSearchCursor(string, fromCursor, caseFold); }, undo: function () { this.editor.history.undo(); }, redo: function () { this.editor.history.redo(); }, historySize: function () { return this.editor.history.historySize(); }, clearHistory: function () { this.editor.history.clear(); }, grabKeys: function (callback, filter) { this.editor.grabKeys(callback, filter); }, ungrabKeys: function () { this.editor.ungrabKeys(); }, setParser: function (name) { this.editor.setParser(name); }, setSpellcheck: function (on) { = on; }, setTextWrapping: function (on) { if (on == this.options.textWrapping) return; = on ? "" : "nowrap"; this.options.textWrapping = on; if (this.lineNumbers) { this.setLineNumbers(false); this.setLineNumbers(true); } }, setIndentUnit: function (unit) { = unit; }, setUndoDepth: function (depth) { this.editor.history.maxDepth = depth; }, setTabMode: function (mode) { this.options.tabMode = mode; }, setLineNumbers: function (on) { if (on && !this.lineNumbers) { this.lineNumbers = addLineNumberDiv(this.wrapping); this.activateLineNumbers(); } else if (!on && this.lineNumbers) { this.wrapping.removeChild(this.lineNumbers); = ""; this.lineNumbers = null; } }, cursorPosition: function (start) { this.focusIfIE(); return this.editor.cursorPosition(start); }, firstLine: function () { return this.editor.firstLine(); }, lastLine: function () { return this.editor.lastLine(); }, nextLine: function (line) { return this.editor.nextLine(line); }, prevLine: function (line) { return this.editor.prevLine(line); }, lineContent: function (line) { return this.editor.lineContent(line); }, setLineContent: function (line, content) { this.editor.setLineContent(line, content); }, removeLine: function (line) { this.editor.removeLine(line); }, insertIntoLine: function (line, position, content) { this.editor.insertIntoLine(line, position, content); }, selectLines: function (startLine, startOffset, endLine, endOffset) {; this.editor.selectLines(startLine, startOffset, endLine, endOffset); }, nthLine: function (n) { var line = this.firstLine(); for (; n > 1 && line !== false; n--) line = this.nextLine(line); return line; }, lineNumber: function (line) { var num = 0; while (line !== false) { num++; line = this.prevLine(line); } return num; }, // Old number-based line interface jumpToLine: function (n) { this.selectLines(this.nthLine(n), 0);; }, currentLine: function () { return this.lineNumber(this.cursorPosition().line); }, activateLineNumbers: function () { var frame = this.frame, win = frame.contentWindow, doc = win.document, body = doc.body, nums = this.lineNumbers, scroller = nums.firstChild, self = this; var barWidth = null; function sizeBar() { if (frame.offsetWidth == 0) return; for (var root = frame; root.parentNode; root = root.parentNode); if (!nums.parentNode || root != document || !win.Editor) { // Clear event handlers (their nodes might already be collected, so try/catch) try { clear(); } catch (e) { } clearInterval(sizeInterval); return; } if (nums.offsetWidth != barWidth) { barWidth = nums.offsetWidth; = "-" + ( = barWidth + "px"); } } function doScroll() { nums.scrollTop = body.scrollTop || doc.documentElement.scrollTop || 0; } // Cleanup function, registered by nonWrapping and wrapping. var clear = function () { }; sizeBar(); var sizeInterval = setInterval(sizeBar, 500); function nonWrapping() { var nextNum = 1; function update() { var target = 50 + Math.max(body.offsetHeight, frame.offsetHeight); while (scroller.offsetHeight < target) { scroller.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); scroller.lastChild.innerHTML = nextNum++; } doScroll(); } var onScroll = win.addEventHandler(win, "scroll", update, true), onResize = win.addEventHandler(win, "resize", update, true); clear = function () { onScroll(); onResize(); }; } function wrapping() { var node, lineNum, next, pos; function addNum(n) { if (!lineNum) lineNum = scroller.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); lineNum.innerHTML = n; pos = lineNum.offsetHeight + lineNum.offsetTop; lineNum = lineNum.nextSibling; } function work() { if (!scroller.parentNode || scroller.parentNode != self.lineNumbers) return; var endTime = new Date().getTime() + self.options.lineNumberTime; while (node) { addNum(next++); for (; node && !win.isBR(node); node = node.nextSibling) { var bott = node.offsetTop + node.offsetHeight; while (bott - 3 > pos) addNum("&nbsp;"); } if (node) node = node.nextSibling; if (new Date().getTime() > endTime) { pending = setTimeout(work, self.options.lineNumberDelay); return; } } // While there are un-processed number DIVs, or the scroller is smaller than the frame... var target = 50 + Math.max(body.offsetHeight, frame.offsetHeight); while (lineNum || scroller.offsetHeight < target) addNum(next++); doScroll(); } function start() { doScroll(); node = body.firstChild; lineNum = scroller.firstChild; pos = 0; next = 1; work(); } start(); var pending = null; function update() { if (pending) clearTimeout(pending); if (self.editor.allClean()) start(); else pending = setTimeout(update, 200); } self.updateNumbers = update; var onScroll = win.addEventHandler(win, "scroll", doScroll, true), onResize = win.addEventHandler(win, "resize", update, true); clear = function () { if (pending) clearTimeout(pending); if (self.updateNumbers == update) self.updateNumbers = null; onScroll(); onResize(); }; } (this.options.textWrapping ? wrapping : nonWrapping)(); } }; CodeMirror.InvalidLineHandle = { toString: function () { return "CodeMirror.InvalidLineHandle"; } }; CodeMirror.replace = function (element) { if (typeof element == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); return function (newElement) { element.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, element); }; }; CodeMirror.fromTextArea = function (area, options) { if (typeof area == "string") area = document.getElementById(area); options = options || {}; if ( && options.width == null) options.width =; if ( && options.height == null) options.height =; if (options.content == null) options.content = area.value; if (area.form) { function updateField() { area.value = mirror.getCode(); } if (typeof area.form.addEventListener == "function") area.form.addEventListener("submit", updateField, false); else area.form.attachEvent("onsubmit", updateField); } function insert(frame) { if (area.nextSibling) area.parentNode.insertBefore(frame, area.nextSibling); else area.parentNode.appendChild(frame); } = "none"; var mirror = new CodeMirror(insert, options); return mirror; }; CodeMirror.isProbablySupported = function () { // This is rather awful, but can be useful. var match; if (window.opera) return Number(window.opera.version()) >= 9.52; else if (/Apple Computers, Inc/.test(navigator.vendor) && (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\./))) return Number(match[1]) >= 3; else if (document.selection && window.ActiveXObject && (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\b/))) return Number(match[1]) >= 6; else if (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/gecko\/(\d{8})/i)) return Number(match[1]) >= 20050901; else if (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/)) return Number(match[1]) >= 525; else return null; }; return CodeMirror; })();