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  Classes of Johan Barbier   XML Serializer   index.php   Download  
File: index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: index example page
Class: XML Serializer
Store and retrieve objects from XML document
Author: By
Last change: Bug correction
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 2,006 bytes



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* include stuff
require_once 'class/ocharacters.cls.php';

* main class instanciation
$ohero = new ocharacters;

* defining some characteristics =! from the one by default
$ohero -> setMe ('aChars', array ('strength' => 9,'dexterity' => 6,'intelligence' => 3,'endurance' => 8,'swiftness' => 7));
$ohero -> setMe ('aAttacks', array ('sword' => 5,
'axe' => 0,
'lance' => 0,
'club' => 0,
'hand' => 0));
$ohero -> setMe ('aDefenseWith', array ('sword' => 1,
'axe' => 0,
'lance' => 0,
'club' => 0,
'hand' => 0,
'shield' => 0));
$ohero -> setMe ('aDefenseAgainst', array ('sword' => 2,
'axe' => 1,
'lance' => 0,
'club' => 5,
'hand' => 10));

* adding an oweapon object to the hero
$osword = new oweapons ('Basic Sword', 'sword');
$ohero -> addEquip ('aWeapons', $osword -> getMe ('sName'));
$ohero -> equipMe ('oWeapon', $osword);

$ohero -> aTestMulti = array ('bla' => array (1 => array ('test2', 30),2,5));
$ohero -> PV = 20;
$ohero -> aChars['strength'] = 23;

* xmlserializer instanciation with the created object
$oxml = new xmlserialize ($ohero);
$oxml -> getProps ();

* echo the object's properties
echo $oxml;
$sXml = $oxml -> varsToXml ();

* echo the xml serialization
echo htmlentities ($sXml);

* create a new empty hero object, to be sure it works fine :-) Charcateristics will be the default ones
$oNewHero = new ocharacters;
* now we will get the object again
$oNewXml = new xmlserialize ($oNewHero, array ($osword));

* get the object
$oNewXml -> xmlToVars ($sXml);

* we assign the obtained object to our new instance of a hero
$oNewHero2 = $oNewXml -> getObj ();

* echo the obtained hero : yep, everything is here :-)

echo '<br /><br />';
'<pre>', print_r ($oNewHero2), '</pre>';
