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File: texts.language.php

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  Classes of Pierre FAUQUE   QCM Class   texts.language.php   Download  
File: texts.language.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: template language file
Class: QCM Class
Load, display and correct online questionnaires
Author: By
Last change: Add a new word (Learn)
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 3,474 bytes



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<? // ========================================================== // All texts used are written here. To translate the class in an other language, // you have to translate these lines which are written below into your language and // save it as "texts.<language>.php" (ex:,,, ...) // Thanks to send me your translation. I will made it available for downloads // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Date, (c) YOUR Name, <your email address> // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Some texts (all texts begin by $this->t_*) $this->t_begin = array("The test begins on ","The inquiry begins on "); // test or inquiry $this->t_end = array("The test finished on ","The inquiry finished on "); $this->t_between = array("Period of validity of the test ","Period of validity of the inquiry "); $this->t_nopoints = "You've got no good answer"; $this->t_bt_send = "Send"; $this->t_bt_clear = "Clear"; $this->t_bt_learn = "Learn"; $this->t_youknow = "Your knowledge"; $this->t_sections = "Categories"; $this->t_statistics = "Statistics"; $this->t_desactivate = "Disabled"; $this->t_nbpoints = "Total of acquired points"; $this->t_point = array("point","points"); // singular, plural $this->t_response = array("good answer","good answers"); // singular, plural $this->t_nbquestions = "Number of questions"; $this->t_nbcresponses = "Number of good answers"; $this->t_nbiresponses = "Number of bad answers"; $this->t_nbnresponses = "Number of no answer"; $this->t_noresponse = "No answer"; $this->t_playtime = array("Test duration","Inquiry duration"); $this->t_competence = "General ability"; $this->t_testdate = array("Date of the test","Date of the inquiry"); $this->t_smssent = "SMS sent to"; $this->t_msgsent = "Message sent to"; $this->t_smsduracy = "Duration"; $this->t_smsnbq = "nb Quest."; $this->t_smsca = "Good answ."; $this->t_smsia = "Bad answ."; $this->t_smsnote = "Note"; $this->t_yourresults = "YOUR RESULTS"; $this->t_subject = array("Online test","Online inquiry"); $this->t_anon = "Anonymous"; $this->t_student = array("L.NAME, F.Name, ph","L.NAME F.Name, ph"); $this->t_mail = "e.mail"; $this->t_on = "on"; $this->t_ok = "OK"; $this->t_ko = "KO"; $this->t_quit = "Quit"; $this->learn = "Learn"; $this->t_msgend = "Thank you for your participation."; // if inquiry, displays that message. $this->t_qcmerror = "QCM Class error"; $this->t_reportbug = "Report a bug"; $this->t_wish = "Ask a feature"; $this->t_newvers = "A new version of the QCM class exists at"; $this->t_yourreplies = "YOUR RESPONSES"; $this->t_correction = "CORRECTION"; // Errors messages $this->error = array ( // From 100 up to 199: general errors 100 => "The 'qcm' class runs only with PHP version 4 or above.", 199 => "Unknown error.", // From 200 up to 299: database errors 200 => "The database server isn't accessible.", 201 => "The database isn't accessible.", 202 => "MySQL request error.", 203 => "The connection to the database is impossible.", 299 => "MySQL unknown error.", // From 300 up to 399: not yet defined. 300 => "Missing identity." // etc... ); ?>