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File: core/assets/plugins/ckeditor/core/tools.js
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Class: RT Adminlte
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/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see or */ /** * @fileOverview Defines the {@link} object that contains * utility functions. */ ( function() { var functions = [], cssVendorPrefix = CKEDITOR.env.gecko ? '-moz-' : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? '-webkit-' : ? '-ms-' : '', ampRegex = /&/g, gtRegex = />/g, ltRegex = /</g, quoteRegex = /"/g, tokenCharset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME = 'ckCsrfToken', TOKEN_LENGTH = 40, allEscRegex = /&(lt|gt|amp|quot|nbsp|shy|#\d{1,5});/g, namedEntities = { lt: '<', gt: '>', amp: '&', quot: '"', nbsp: '\u00a0', shy: '\u00ad' }, allEscDecode = function( match, code ) { if ( code[ 0 ] == '#' ) { return String.fromCharCode( parseInt( code.slice( 1 ), 10 ) ); } else { return namedEntities[ code ]; } }; CKEDITOR.on( 'reset', function() { functions = []; } ); /** * Utility functions. * * @class * @singleton */ = { /** * Compares the elements of two arrays. * * var a = [ 1, 'a', 3 ]; * var b = [ 1, 3, 'a' ]; * var c = [ 1, 'a', 3 ]; * var d = [ 1, 'a', 3, 4 ]; * * alert( a, b ) ); // false * alert( a, c ) ); // true * alert( a, d ) ); // false * * @param {Array} arrayA An array to be compared. * @param {Array} arrayB The other array to be compared. * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the arrays have the same length and * their elements match. */ arrayCompare: function( arrayA, arrayB ) { if ( !arrayA && !arrayB ) return true; if ( !arrayA || !arrayB || arrayA.length != arrayB.length ) return false; for ( var i = 0; i < arrayA.length; i++ ) { if ( arrayA[ i ] != arrayB[ i ] ) return false; } return true; }, /** * Finds the index of the first element in an array for which the `compareFunction` returns `true`. * * [ 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 ], function( el ) { * return el >= 3; * } ); // 2 * * @since 4.5 * @param {Array} array Array to search in. * @param {Function} compareFunction Compare function. * @returns {Number} The index of the first matching element or `-1` if none matches. */ getIndex: function( arr, compareFunction ) { for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i ) { if ( compareFunction( arr[ i ] ) ) return i; } return -1; }, /** * Creates a deep copy of an object. * * **Note**: Recursive references are not supported. * * var obj = { * name: 'John', * cars: { * Mercedes: { color: 'blue' }, * Porsche: { color: 'red' } * } * }; * var clone = obj ); * = 'Paul'; * = 'silver'; * * alert( ); // 'John' * alert( ); // 'Paul' * alert( ); // 'red' * alert( ); // 'silver' * * @param {Object} object The object to be cloned. * @returns {Object} The object clone. */ clone: function( obj ) { var clone; // Array. if ( obj && ( obj instanceof Array ) ) { clone = []; for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ ) clone[ i ] = obj[ i ] ); return clone; } // "Static" types. if ( obj === null || ( typeof obj != 'object' ) || ( obj instanceof String ) || ( obj instanceof Number ) || ( obj instanceof Boolean ) || ( obj instanceof Date ) || ( obj instanceof RegExp ) ) return obj; // DOM objects and window. if ( obj.nodeType || obj.window === obj ) return obj; // Objects. clone = new obj.constructor(); for ( var propertyName in obj ) { var property = obj[ propertyName ]; clone[ propertyName ] = property ); } return clone; }, /** * Turns the first letter of a string to upper-case. * * @param {String} str * @param {Boolean} [keepCase] Keep the case of 2nd to last letter. * @returns {String} */ capitalize: function( str, keepCase ) { return str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + ( keepCase ? str.slice( 1 ) : str.slice( 1 ).toLowerCase() ); }, /** * Copies the properties from one object to another. By default, properties * already present in the target object **are not** overwritten. * * // Create the sample object. * var myObject = { * prop1: true * }; * * // Extend the above object with two properties. * myObject, { * prop2: true, * prop3: true * } ); * * // Alert 'prop1', 'prop2' and 'prop3'. * for ( var p in myObject ) * alert( p ); * * @param {Object} target The object to be extended. * @param {Object...} source The object(s) from properties will be * copied. Any number of objects can be passed to this function. * @param {Boolean} [overwrite] If `true` is specified, it indicates that * properties already present in the target object could be * overwritten by subsequent objects. * @param {Object} [properties] Only properties within the specified names * list will be received from the source object. * @returns {Object} The extended object (target). */ extend: function( target ) { var argsLength = arguments.length, overwrite, propertiesList; if ( typeof ( overwrite = arguments[ argsLength - 1 ] ) == 'boolean' ) argsLength--; else if ( typeof ( overwrite = arguments[ argsLength - 2 ] ) == 'boolean' ) { propertiesList = arguments[ argsLength - 1 ]; argsLength -= 2; } for ( var i = 1; i < argsLength; i++ ) { var source = arguments[ i ]; for ( var propertyName in source ) { // Only copy existed fields if in overwrite mode. if ( overwrite === true || target[ propertyName ] == null ) { // Only copy specified fields if list is provided. if ( !propertiesList || ( propertyName in propertiesList ) ) target[ propertyName ] = source[ propertyName ]; } } } return target; }, /** * Creates an object which is an instance of a class whose prototype is a * predefined object. All properties defined in the source object are * automatically inherited by the resulting object, including future * changes to it. * * @param {Object} source The source object to be used as the prototype for * the final object. * @returns {Object} The resulting copy. */ prototypedCopy: function( source ) { var copy = function() {}; copy.prototype = source; return new copy(); }, /** * Makes fast (shallow) copy of an object. * This method is faster than {@link #clone} which does * a deep copy of an object (including arrays). * * @since 4.1 * @param {Object} source The object to be copied. * @returns {Object} Copy of `source`. */ copy: function( source ) { var obj = {}, name; for ( name in source ) obj[ name ] = source[ name ]; return obj; }, /** * Checks if an object is an Array. * * alert( [] ) ); // true * alert( 'Test' ) ); // false * * @param {Object} object The object to be checked. * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the object is an Array, otherwise `false`. */ isArray: function( object ) { return object ) == '[object Array]'; }, /** * Whether the object contains no properties of its own. * * @param object * @returns {Boolean} */ isEmpty: function( object ) { for ( var i in object ) { if ( object.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) return false; } return true; }, /** * Generates an object or a string containing vendor-specific and vendor-free CSS properties. * * 'border-radius', '0', true ); * // On Firefox: '-moz-border-radius:0;border-radius:0' * // On Chrome: '-webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0' * * @param {String} property The CSS property name. * @param {String} value The CSS value. * @param {Boolean} [asString=false] If `true`, then the returned value will be a CSS string. * @returns {Object/String} The object containing CSS properties or its stringified version. */ cssVendorPrefix: function( property, value, asString ) { if ( asString ) return cssVendorPrefix + property + ':' + value + ';' + property + ':' + value; var ret = {}; ret[ property ] = value; ret[ cssVendorPrefix + property ] = value; return ret; }, /** * Transforms a CSS property name to its relative DOM style name. * * alert( 'background-color' ) ); // 'backgroundColor' * alert( 'float' ) ); // 'cssFloat' * * @method * @param {String} cssName The CSS property name. * @returns {String} The transformed name. */ cssStyleToDomStyle: ( function() { var test = document.createElement( 'div' ).style; var cssFloat = ( typeof test.cssFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'cssFloat' : ( typeof test.styleFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'styleFloat' : 'float'; return function( cssName ) { if ( cssName == 'float' ) return cssFloat; else { return cssName.replace( /-./g, function( match ) { return match.substr( 1 ).toUpperCase(); } ); } }; } )(), /** * Builds a HTML snippet from a set of `<style>/<link>`. * * @param {String/Array} css Each of which are URLs (absolute) of a CSS file or * a trunk of style text. * @returns {String} */ buildStyleHtml: function( css ) { css = [].concat( css ); var item, retval = []; for ( var i = 0; i < css.length; i++ ) { if ( ( item = css[ i ] ) ) { // Is CSS style text ? if ( /@import|[{}]/.test( item ) ) retval.push( '<style>' + item + '</style>' ); else retval.push( '<link type="text/css" rel=stylesheet href="' + item + '">' ); } } return retval.join( '' ); }, /** * Replaces special HTML characters in a string with their relative HTML * entity values. * * alert( 'A > B & C < D' ) ); // 'A &gt; B &amp; C &lt; D' * * @param {String} text The string to be encoded. * @returns {String} The encoded string. */ htmlEncode: function( text ) { // Backwards compatibility - accept also non-string values (casting is done below). // Since 4.4.8 we return empty string for null and undefined because these values make no sense. if ( text === undefined || text === null ) { return ''; } return String( text ).replace( ampRegex, '&amp;' ).replace( gtRegex, '&gt;' ).replace( ltRegex, '&lt;' ); }, /** * Decodes HTML entities that browsers tend to encode when used in text nodes. * * alert( '&lt;a &amp; b &gt;' ) ); // '<a & b >' * * Read more about chosen entities in the [research]( * * @param {String} The string to be decoded. * @returns {String} The decoded string. */ htmlDecode: function( text ) { // See: // * and comment:9, // * JSPerf has some serious problems, but you can observe // that combined regexp tends to be quicker (except on V8). It will also not be prone to fail on '&amp;lt;' // (see return text.replace( allEscRegex, allEscDecode ); }, /** * Replaces special HTML characters in HTMLElement attribute with their relative HTML entity values. * * alert( '<a " b >' ) ); // '&lt;a &quot; b &gt;' * * @param {String} The attribute value to be encoded. * @returns {String} The encoded value. */ htmlEncodeAttr: function( text ) { return text ).replace( quoteRegex, '&quot;' ); }, /** * Decodes HTML entities that browsers tend to encode when used in attributes. * * alert( '&lt;a &quot; b&gt;' ) ); // '<a " b>' * * Since CKEditor 4.5 this method simply executes {@link #htmlDecode} which covers * all necessary entities. * * @param {String} text The text to be decoded. * @returns {String} The decoded text. */ htmlDecodeAttr: function( text ) { return text ); }, /** * Transforms text to valid HTML: creates paragraphs, replaces tabs with non-breaking spaces etc. * * @since 4.5 * @param {String} text Text to transform. * @param {Number} enterMode Editor {@link CKEDITOR.config#enterMode Enter mode}. * @returns {String} HTML generated from the text. */ transformPlainTextToHtml: function( text, enterMode ) { var isEnterBrMode = enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR, // CRLF -> LF html = this.htmlEncode( text.replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' ) ); // Tab -> &nbsp x 4; html = html.replace( /\t/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;' ); var paragraphTag = enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div'; // Two line-breaks create one paragraphing block. if ( !isEnterBrMode ) { var duoLF = /\n{2}/g; if ( duoLF.test( html ) ) { var openTag = '<' + paragraphTag + '>', endTag = '</' + paragraphTag + '>'; html = openTag + html.replace( duoLF, function() { return endTag + openTag; } ) + endTag; } } // One <br> per line-break. html = html.replace( /\n/g, '<br>' ); // Compensate padding <br> at the end of block, avoid loosing them during insertion. if ( !isEnterBrMode ) { html = html.replace( new RegExp( '<br>(?=</' + paragraphTag + '>)' ), function( match ) { return match, 2 ); } ); } // Preserve spaces at the ends, so they won't be lost after insertion (merged with adjacent ones). html = html.replace( /^ | $/g, '&nbsp;' ); // Finally, preserve whitespaces that are to be lost. html = html.replace( /(>|\s) /g, function( match, before ) { return before + '&nbsp;'; } ).replace( / (?=<)/g, '&nbsp;' ); return html; }, /** * Gets a unique number for this CKEDITOR execution session. It returns * consecutive numbers starting from 1. * * alert( ); // (e.g.) 1 * alert( ); // 2 * * @method * @returns {Number} A unique number. */ getNextNumber: ( function() { var last = 0; return function() { return ++last; }; } )(), /** * Gets a unique ID for CKEditor interface elements. It returns a * string with the "cke_" prefix and a consecutive number. * * alert( ); // (e.g.) 'cke_1' * alert( ); // 'cke_2' * * @returns {String} A unique ID. */ getNextId: function() { return 'cke_' + this.getNextNumber(); }, /** * Gets a universally unique ID. It returns a random string * compliant with ISO/IEC 11578:1996, without dashes, with the "e" prefix to * make sure that the ID does not start with a number. * * @returns {String} A global unique ID. */ getUniqueId: function() { var uuid = 'e'; // Make sure that id does not start with number. for ( var i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { uuid += Math.floor( ( 1 + Math.random() ) * 0x10000 ).toString( 16 ).substring( 1 ); } return uuid; }, /** * Creates a function override. * * var obj = { * myFunction: function( name ) { * alert( 'Name: ' + name ); * } * }; * * obj.myFunction = obj.myFunction, function( myFunctionOriginal ) { * return function( name ) { * alert( 'Overriden name: ' + name ); * this, name ); * }; * } ); * * @param {Function} originalFunction The function to be overridden. * @param {Function} functionBuilder A function that returns the new * function. The original function reference will be passed to this function. * @returns {Function} The new function. */ override: function( originalFunction, functionBuilder ) { var newFn = functionBuilder( originalFunction ); newFn.prototype = originalFunction.prototype; return newFn; }, /** * Executes a function after a specified delay. * * function() { * alert( 'Executed after 2 seconds' ); * }, 2000 ); * * @param {Function} func The function to be executed. * @param {Number} [milliseconds=0] The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait * to fire the function execution. * @param {Object} [scope=window] The object to store the function execution scope * (the `this` object). * @param {Object/Array} [args] A single object, or an array of objects, to * pass as argument to the function. * @param {Object} [ownerWindow=window] The window that will be used to set the * timeout. * @returns {Object} A value that can be used to cancel the function execution. */ setTimeout: function( func, milliseconds, scope, args, ownerWindow ) { if ( !ownerWindow ) ownerWindow = window; if ( !scope ) scope = ownerWindow; return ownerWindow.setTimeout( function() { if ( args ) func.apply( scope, [].concat( args ) ); else func.apply( scope ); }, milliseconds || 0 ); }, /** * Removes spaces from the start and the end of a string. The following * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed. * * alert( ' example ' ); // 'example' * * @method * @param {String} str The text from which the spaces will be removed. * @returns {String} The modified string without the boundary spaces. */ trim: ( function() { // We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught. var trimRegex = /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g; return function( str ) { return str.replace( trimRegex, '' ); }; } )(), /** * Removes spaces from the start (left) of a string. The following * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed. * * alert( ' example ' ); // 'example ' * * @method * @param {String} str The text from which the spaces will be removed. * @returns {String} The modified string excluding the removed spaces. */ ltrim: ( function() { // We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught. var trimRegex = /^[ \t\n\r]+/g; return function( str ) { return str.replace( trimRegex, '' ); }; } )(), /** * Removes spaces from the end (right) of a string. The following * characters are removed: space, tab, line break, line feed. * * alert( ' example ' ); // ' example' * * @method * @param {String} str The text from which spaces will be removed. * @returns {String} The modified string excluding the removed spaces. */ rtrim: ( function() { // We are not using \s because we don't want "non-breaking spaces" to be caught. var trimRegex = /[ \t\n\r]+$/g; return function( str ) { return str.replace( trimRegex, '' ); }; } )(), /** * Returns the index of an element in an array. * * var letters = [ 'a', 'b', 0, 'c', false ]; * alert( letters, '0' ) ); // -1 because 0 !== '0' * alert( letters, false ) ); // 4 because 0 !== false * * @param {Array} array The array to be searched. * @param {Object/Function} value The element to be found. This can be an * evaluation function which receives a single parameter call for * each entry in the array, returning `true` if the entry matches. * @returns {Number} The (zero-based) index of the first entry that matches * the entry, or `-1` if not found. */ indexOf: function( array, value ) { if ( typeof value == 'function' ) { for ( var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++ ) { if ( value( array[ i ] ) ) return i; } } else if ( array.indexOf ) return array.indexOf( value ); else { for ( i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++ ) { if ( array[ i ] === value ) return i; } } return -1; }, /** * Returns the index of an element in an array. * * var obj = { prop: true }; * var letters = [ 'a', 'b', 0, obj, false ]; * * alert( letters, '0' ) ); // null * alert( letters, function( value ) { * // Return true when passed value has property 'prop'. * return value && 'prop' in value; * } ) ); // obj * * @param {Array} array The array to be searched. * @param {Object/Function} value The element to be found. Can be an * evaluation function which receives a single parameter call for * each entry in the array, returning `true` if the entry matches. * @returns Object The value that was found in an array. */ search: function( array, value ) { var index = array, value ); return index >= 0 ? array[ index ] : null; }, /** * Creates a function that will always execute in the context of a * specified object. * * var obj = { text: 'My Object' }; * * function alertText() { * alert( this.text ); * } * * var newFunc = alertText, obj ); * newFunc(); // Alerts 'My Object'. * * @param {Function} func The function to be executed. * @param {Object} obj The object to which the execution context will be bound. * @returns {Function} The function that can be used to execute the * `func` function in the context of `obj`. */ bind: function( func, obj ) { return function() { return func.apply( obj, arguments ); }; }, /** * Class creation based on prototype inheritance which supports of the * following features: * * * Static fields * * Private fields * * Public (prototype) fields * * Chainable base class constructor * * @param {Object} definition The class definition object. * @returns {Function} A class-like JavaScript function. */ createClass: function( definition ) { var $ = definition.$, baseClass = definition.base, privates = definition.privates || definition._, proto = definition.proto, statics = definition.statics; // Create the constructor, if not present in the definition. !$ && ( $ = function() { baseClass && this.base.apply( this, arguments ); } ); if ( privates ) { var originalConstructor = $; $ = function() { // Create (and get) the private namespace. var _ = this._ || ( this._ = {} ); // Make some magic so "this" will refer to the main // instance when coding private functions. for ( var privateName in privates ) { var priv = privates[ privateName ]; _[ privateName ] = ( typeof priv == 'function' ) ? priv, this ) : priv; } originalConstructor.apply( this, arguments ); }; } if ( baseClass ) { $.prototype = this.prototypedCopy( baseClass.prototype ); $.prototype.constructor = $; // Super references. $.base = baseClass; $.baseProto = baseClass.prototype; // Super constructor. $.prototype.base = function() { this.base = baseClass.prototype.base; baseClass.apply( this, arguments ); this.base = arguments.callee; }; } if ( proto ) this.extend( $.prototype, proto, true ); if ( statics ) this.extend( $, statics, true ); return $; }, /** * Creates a function reference that can be called later using * {@link #callFunction}. This approach is especially useful to * make DOM attribute function calls to JavaScript-defined functions. * * var ref = function() { * alert( 'Hello!'); * } ); * ref ); // 'Hello!' * * @param {Function} fn The function to be executed on call. * @param {Object} [scope] The object to have the context on `fn` execution. * @returns {Number} A unique reference to be used in conjuction with * {@link #callFunction}. */ addFunction: function( fn, scope ) { return functions.push( function() { return fn.apply( scope || this, arguments ); } ) - 1; }, /** * Removes the function reference created with {@link #addFunction}. * * @param {Number} ref The function reference created with * {@link #addFunction}. */ removeFunction: function( ref ) { functions[ ref ] = null; }, /** * Executes a function based on the reference created with {@link #addFunction}. * * var ref = function() { * alert( 'Hello!'); * } ); * ref ); // 'Hello!' * * @param {Number} ref The function reference created with {@link #addFunction}. * @param {Mixed} params Any number of parameters to be passed to the executed function. * @returns {Mixed} The return value of the function. */ callFunction: function( ref ) { var fn = functions[ ref ]; return fn && fn.apply( window, arguments, 1 ) ); }, /** * Appends the `px` length unit to the size value if it is missing. * * var cssLength =; * cssLength( 42 ); // '42px' * cssLength( '42' ); // '42px' * cssLength( '42px' ); // '42px' * cssLength( '42%' ); // '42%' * cssLength( 'bold' ); // 'bold' * cssLength( false ); // '' * cssLength( NaN ); // '' * * @method * @param {Number/String/Boolean} length */ cssLength: ( function() { var pixelRegex = /^-?\d+\.?\d*px$/, lengthTrimmed; return function( length ) { lengthTrimmed = length + '' ) + 'px'; if ( pixelRegex.test( lengthTrimmed ) ) return lengthTrimmed; else return length || ''; }; } )(), /** * Converts the specified CSS length value to the calculated pixel length inside this page. * * **Note:** Percentage-based value is left intact. * * @method * @param {String} cssLength CSS length value. */ convertToPx: ( function() { var calculator; return function( cssLength ) { if ( !calculator ) { calculator = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;' + 'top:-9999px;margin:0px;padding:0px;border:0px;"' + '></div>', CKEDITOR.document ); CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append( calculator ); } if ( !( /%$/ ).test( cssLength ) ) { calculator.setStyle( 'width', cssLength ); return calculator.$.clientWidth; } return cssLength; }; } )(), /** * String specified by `str` repeats `times` times. * * @param {String} str * @param {Number} times * @returns {String} */ repeat: function( str, times ) { return new Array( times + 1 ).join( str ); }, /** * Returns the first successfully executed return value of a function that * does not throw any exception. * * @param {Function...} fn * @returns {Mixed} */ tryThese: function() { var returnValue; for ( var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++ ) { var lambda = arguments[ i ]; try { returnValue = lambda(); break; } catch ( e ) {} } return returnValue; }, /** * Generates a combined key from a series of params. * * var key = 'key1', 'key2', 'key3' ); * alert( key ); // 'key1-key2-key3'. * * @param {String} subKey One or more strings used as subkeys. * @returns {String} */ genKey: function() { return arguments ).join( '-' ); }, /** * Creates a "deferred" function which will not run immediately, * but rather runs as soon as the interpreter’s call stack is empty. * Behaves much like `window.setTimeout` with a delay. * * **Note:** The return value of the original function will be lost. * * @param {Function} fn The callee function. * @returns {Function} The new deferred function. */ defer: function( fn ) { return function() { var args = arguments, self = this; window.setTimeout( function() { fn.apply( self, args ); }, 0 ); }; }, /** * Normalizes CSS data in order to avoid differences in the style attribute. * * @param {String} styleText The style data to be normalized. * @param {Boolean} [nativeNormalize=false] Parse the data using the browser. * @returns {String} The normalized value. */ normalizeCssText: function( styleText, nativeNormalize ) { var props = [], name, parsedProps = styleText, true, nativeNormalize ); for ( name in parsedProps ) props.push( name + ':' + parsedProps[ name ] ); props.sort(); return props.length ? ( props.join( ';' ) + ';' ) : ''; }, /** * Finds and converts `rgb(x,x,x)` color definition to hexadecimal notation. * * @param {String} styleText The style data (or just a string containing RGB colors) to be converted. * @returns {String} The style data with RGB colors converted to hexadecimal equivalents. */ convertRgbToHex: function( styleText ) { return styleText.replace( /(?:rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\))/gi, function( match, red, green, blue ) { var color = [ red, green, blue ]; // Add padding zeros if the hex value is less than 0x10. for ( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) color[ i ] = ( '0' + parseInt( color[ i ], 10 ).toString( 16 ) ).slice( -2 ); return '#' + color.join( '' ); } ); }, /** * Normalizes hexadecimal notation so that the color string is always 6 characters long and lowercase. * * @param {String} styleText The style data (or just a string containing hex colors) to be converted. * @returns {String} The style data with hex colors normalized. */ normalizeHex: function( styleText ) { return styleText.replace( /#(([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2})($|;|\s+)/gi, function( match, hexColor, hexColorPart, separator ) { var normalizedHexColor = hexColor.toLowerCase(); if ( normalizedHexColor.length == 3 ) { var parts = normalizedHexColor.split( '' ); normalizedHexColor = [ parts[ 0 ], parts[ 0 ], parts[ 1 ], parts[ 1 ], parts[ 2 ], parts[ 2 ] ].join( '' ); } return '#' + normalizedHexColor + separator; } ); }, /** * Turns inline style text properties into one hash. * * @param {String} styleText The style data to be parsed. * @param {Boolean} [normalize=false] Normalize properties and values * (e.g. trim spaces, convert to lower case). * @param {Boolean} [nativeNormalize=false] Parse the data using the browser. * @returns {Object} The object containing parsed properties. */ parseCssText: function( styleText, normalize, nativeNormalize ) { var retval = {}; if ( nativeNormalize ) { // Injects the style in a temporary span object, so the browser parses it, // retrieving its final format. var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' ); styleText = temp.setAttribute( 'style', styleText ).getAttribute( 'style' ) || ''; } // Normalize colors. if ( styleText ) { styleText = styleText ) ); } // IE will leave a single semicolon when failed to parse the style text. (#3891) if ( !styleText || styleText == ';' ) return retval; styleText.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' ).replace( /\s*([^:;\s]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function( match, name, value ) { if ( normalize ) { name = name.toLowerCase(); // Drop extra whitespacing from font-family. if ( name == 'font-family' ) value = value.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, ',' ); value = value ); } retval[ name ] = value; } ); return retval; }, /** * Serializes the `style name => value` hash to a style text. * * var styleObj = 'color: red; border: none' ); * console.log( styleObj.color ); // -> 'red' * styleObj ); // -> 'color:red; border:none' * styleObj, true ); // -> 'border:none; color:red' * * @since 4.1 * @param {Object} styles The object contaning style properties. * @param {Boolean} [sort] Whether to sort CSS properties. * @returns {String} The serialized style text. */ writeCssText: function( styles, sort ) { var name, stylesArr = []; for ( name in styles ) stylesArr.push( name + ':' + styles[ name ] ); if ( sort ) stylesArr.sort(); return stylesArr.join( '; ' ); }, /** * Compares two objects. * * **Note:** This method performs shallow, non-strict comparison. * * @since 4.1 * @param {Object} left * @param {Object} right * @param {Boolean} [onlyLeft] Check only the properties that are present in the `left` object. * @returns {Boolean} Whether objects are identical. */ objectCompare: function( left, right, onlyLeft ) { var name; if ( !left && !right ) return true; if ( !left || !right ) return false; for ( name in left ) { if ( left[ name ] != right[ name ] ) return false; } if ( !onlyLeft ) { for ( name in right ) { if ( left[ name ] != right[ name ] ) return false; } } return true; }, /** * Returns an array of passed object's keys. * * console.log( { foo: 1, bar: false } ); * // -> [ 'foo', 'bar' ] * * @since 4.1 * @param {Object} obj * @returns {Array} Object's keys. */ objectKeys: function( obj ) { var keys = []; for ( var i in obj ) keys.push( i ); return keys; }, /** * Converts an array to an object by rewriting array items * to object properties. * * var arr = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'foo' ]; * console.log( arr ) ); * // -> { foo: true, bar: true } * console.log( arr, 1 ) ); * // -> { foo: 1, bar: 1 } * * @since 4.1 * @param {Array} arr The array to be converted to an object. * @param [fillWith=true] Set each property of an object to `fillWith` value. */ convertArrayToObject: function( arr, fillWith ) { var obj = {}; if ( arguments.length == 1 ) fillWith = true; for ( var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i ) obj[ arr[ i ] ] = fillWith; return obj; }, /** * Tries to fix the `document.domain` of the current document to match the * parent window domain, avoiding "Same Origin" policy issues. * This is an Internet Explorer only requirement. * * @since 4.1.2 * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the current domain is already good or if * it has been fixed successfully. */ fixDomain: function() { var domain; while ( 1 ) { try { // Try to access the parent document. It throws // "access denied" if restricted by the "Same Origin" policy. domain = window.parent.document.domain; break; } catch ( e ) { // Calculate the value to set to document.domain. domain = domain ? // If it is not the first pass, strip one part of the // name. E.g. "" => "" domain.replace( /.+?(?:\.|$)/, '' ) : // In the first pass, we'll handle the // "document.domain = document.domain" case. document.domain; // Stop here if there is no more domain parts available. if ( !domain ) break; document.domain = domain; } } return !!domain; }, /** * Buffers `input` events (or any `input` calls) * and triggers `output` not more often than once per `minInterval`. * * var buffer = 200, function() { * console.log( 'foo!' ); * } ); * * buffer.input(); * // 'foo!' logged immediately. * buffer.input(); * // Nothing logged. * buffer.input(); * // Nothing logged. * // ... after 200ms a single 'foo!' will be logged. * * Can be easily used with events: * * var buffer = 200, function() { * console.log( 'foo!' ); * } ); * * editor.on( 'key', buffer.input ); * // Note: There is no need to bind buffer as a context. * * @since 4.2.1 * @param {Number} minInterval Minimum interval between `output` calls in milliseconds. * @param {Function} output Function that will be executed as `output`. * @param {Object} [scopeObj] The object used to scope the listener call (the `this` object). * @returns {Object} * @returns {Function} return.input Buffer's input method. * @returns {Function} return.reset Resets buffered events &mdash; `output` will not be executed * until next `input` is triggered. */ eventsBuffer: function( minInterval, output, scopeObj ) { var scheduled, lastOutput = 0; function triggerOutput() { lastOutput = ( new Date() ).getTime(); scheduled = false; if ( scopeObj ) { scopeObj ); } else { output(); } } return { input: function() { if ( scheduled ) return; var diff = ( new Date() ).getTime() - lastOutput; // If less than minInterval passed after last check, // schedule next for minInterval after previous one. if ( diff < minInterval ) scheduled = setTimeout( triggerOutput, minInterval - diff ); else triggerOutput(); }, reset: function() { if ( scheduled ) clearTimeout( scheduled ); scheduled = lastOutput = 0; } }; }, /** * Enables HTML5 elements for older browsers (IE8) in the passed document. * * In IE8 this method can also be executed on a document fragment. * * **Note:** This method has to be used in the `<head>` section of the document. * * @since 4.3 * @param {Object} doc Native `Document` or `DocumentFragment` in which the elements will be enabled. * @param {Boolean} [withAppend] Whether to append created elements to the `doc`. */ enableHtml5Elements: function( doc, withAppend ) { var els = 'abbr,article,aside,audio,bdi,canvas,data,datalist,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,mark,meter,nav,output,progress,section,summary,time,video'.split( ',' ), i = els.length, el; while ( i-- ) { el = doc.createElement( els[ i ] ); if ( withAppend ) doc.appendChild( el ); } }, /** * Checks if any of the `arr` items match the provided regular expression. * * @param {Array} arr The array whose items will be checked. * @param {RegExp} regexp The regular expression. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` for the first occurrence of the search pattern. * @since 4.4 */ checkIfAnyArrayItemMatches: function( arr, regexp ) { for ( var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i ) { if ( arr[ i ].match( regexp ) ) return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks if any of the `obj` properties match the provided regular expression. * * @param obj The object whose properties will be checked. * @param {RegExp} regexp The regular expression. * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` for the first occurrence of the search pattern. * @since 4.4 */ checkIfAnyObjectPropertyMatches: function( obj, regexp ) { for ( var i in obj ) { if ( i.match( regexp ) ) return true; } return false; }, /** * Converts a keystroke to its string representation. Returns an object with two fields: * * * `display` &ndash; A string that should be used for visible labels. * For Mac devices it uses `⌥` for `ALT`, `⇧` for `SHIFT` and `⌘` for `COMMAND`. * * `aria` &ndash; A string that should be used for ARIA descriptions. * It does not use special characters such as `⌥`, `⇧` or `⌘`. * * var lang = editor.lang.common.keyboard; * var shortcut = lang, CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88 ); * console.log( shortcut.display ); // 'CTRL + X', on Mac '⌘ + X'. * console.log( shortcut.aria ); // 'CTRL + X', on Mac 'COMMAND + X'. * * @since 4.6.0 * @param {Object} lang A language object with the key name translation. * @param {Number} keystroke The keystroke to convert. * @returns {{display: String, aria: String}} */ keystrokeToString: function( lang, keystroke ) { var special = keystroke & 0xFF0000, key = keystroke & 0x00FFFF, isMac = CKEDITOR.env.mac, CTRL = 17, CMD = 224, ALT = 18, SHIFT = 16, display = [], aria = []; if ( special & CKEDITOR.CTRL ) { display.push( isMac ? '⌘' : lang[ CTRL ] ); aria.push( isMac ? lang[ CMD ] : lang[ CTRL ] ); } if ( special & CKEDITOR.ALT ) { display.push( isMac ? '⌥' : lang[ ALT ] ); aria.push( lang[ ALT ] ); } if ( special & CKEDITOR.SHIFT ) { display.push( isMac ? '⇧' : lang[ SHIFT ] ); aria.push( lang[ SHIFT ] ); } if ( key ) { if ( lang[ key ] ) { display.push( lang[ key ] ); aria.push( lang[ key ] ); } else { display.push( String.fromCharCode( key ) ); aria.push( String.fromCharCode( key ) ); } } return { display: display.join( '+' ), aria: aria.join( '+' ) }; }, /** * The data URI of a transparent image. May be used e.g. in HTML as an image source or in CSS in `url()`. * * @since 4.4 * @readonly */ transparentImageData: '', /** * Returns the value of the cookie with a given name or `null` if the cookie is not found. * * @since 4.5.6 * @param {String} name * @returns {String} */ getCookie: function( name ) { name = name.toLowerCase(); var parts = document.cookie.split( ';' ); var pair, key; for ( var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ) { pair = parts[ i ].split( '=' ); key = decodeURIComponent( pair[ 0 ] ).toLowerCase() ); if ( key === name ) { return decodeURIComponent( pair.length > 1 ? pair[ 1 ] : '' ); } } return null; }, /** * Sets the value of the cookie with a given name. * * @since 4.5.6 * @param {String} name * @param {String} value */ setCookie: function( name, value ) { document.cookie = encodeURIComponent( name ) + '=' + encodeURIComponent( value ) + ';path=/'; }, /** * Returns the CSRF token value. The value is a hash stored in `document.cookie` * under the `ckCsrfToken` key. The CSRF token can be used to secure the communication * between the web browser and the server, i.e. for the file upload feature in the editor. * * @since 4.5.6 * @returns {String} */ getCsrfToken: function() { var token = TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME ); if ( !token || token.length != TOKEN_LENGTH ) { token = generateToken( TOKEN_LENGTH ); TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME, token ); } return token; }, /** * Returns an escaped CSS selector. `CSS.escape()` is used if defined, leading digit is escaped otherwise. * * @since 4.5.10 * @param {String} selector A CSS selector to escape. * @returns {String} An escaped selector. */ escapeCss: function( selector ) { // Invalid input. if ( !selector ) { return ''; } // CSS.escape() can be used. if ( window.CSS && CSS.escape ) { return CSS.escape( selector ); } // Simple leading digit escape. if ( !isNaN( parseInt( selector.charAt( 0 ), 10 ) ) ) { return '\\3' + selector.charAt( 0 ) + ' ' + selector.substring( 1, selector.length ); } return selector; }, /** * A set of functions for operations on styles. * * @property {} */ style: { /** * Methods to parse miscellaneous CSS properties. * * @property {} * @member */ parse: { // Color list based on _colors: { aliceblue: '#F0F8FF', antiquewhite: '#FAEBD7', aqua: '#00FFFF', aquamarine: '#7FFFD4', azure: '#F0FFFF', beige: '#F5F5DC', bisque: '#FFE4C4', black: '#000000', blanchedalmond: '#FFEBCD', blue: '#0000FF', blueviolet: '#8A2BE2', brown: '#A52A2A', burlywood: '#DEB887', cadetblue: '#5F9EA0', chartreuse: '#7FFF00', chocolate: '#D2691E', coral: '#FF7F50', cornflowerblue: '#6495ED', cornsilk: '#FFF8DC', crimson: '#DC143C', cyan: '#00FFFF', darkblue: '#00008B', darkcyan: '#008B8B', darkgoldenrod: '#B8860B', darkgray: '#A9A9A9', darkgreen: '#006400', darkgrey: '#A9A9A9', darkkhaki: '#BDB76B', darkmagenta: '#8B008B', darkolivegreen: '#556B2F', darkorange: '#FF8C00', darkorchid: '#9932CC', darkred: '#8B0000', darksalmon: '#E9967A', darkseagreen: '#8FBC8F', darkslateblue: '#483D8B', darkslategray: '#2F4F4F', darkslategrey: '#2F4F4F', darkturquoise: '#00CED1', darkviolet: '#9400D3', deeppink: '#FF1493', deepskyblue: '#00BFFF', dimgray: '#696969', dimgrey: '#696969', dodgerblue: '#1E90FF', firebrick: '#B22222', floralwhite: '#FFFAF0', forestgreen: '#228B22', fuchsia: '#FF00FF', gainsboro: '#DCDCDC', ghostwhite: '#F8F8FF', gold: '#FFD700', goldenrod: '#DAA520', gray: '#808080', green: '#008000', greenyellow: '#ADFF2F', grey: '#808080', honeydew: '#F0FFF0', hotpink: '#FF69B4', indianred: '#CD5C5C', indigo: '#4B0082', ivory: '#FFFFF0', khaki: '#F0E68C', lavender: '#E6E6FA', lavenderblush: '#FFF0F5', lawngreen: '#7CFC00', lemonchiffon: '#FFFACD', lightblue: '#ADD8E6', lightcoral: '#F08080', lightcyan: '#E0FFFF', lightgoldenrodyellow: '#FAFAD2', lightgray: '#D3D3D3', lightgreen: '#90EE90', lightgrey: '#D3D3D3', lightpink: '#FFB6C1', lightsalmon: '#FFA07A', lightseagreen: '#20B2AA', lightskyblue: '#87CEFA', lightslategray: '#778899', lightslategrey: '#778899', lightsteelblue: '#B0C4DE', lightyellow: '#FFFFE0', lime: '#00FF00', limegreen: '#32CD32', linen: '#FAF0E6', magenta: '#FF00FF', maroon: '#800000', mediumaquamarine: '#66CDAA', mediumblue: '#0000CD', mediumorchid: '#BA55D3', mediumpurple: '#9370DB', mediumseagreen: '#3CB371', mediumslateblue: '#7B68EE', mediumspringgreen: '#00FA9A', mediumturquoise: '#48D1CC', mediumvioletred: '#C71585', midnightblue: '#191970', mintcream: '#F5FFFA', mistyrose: '#FFE4E1', moccasin: '#FFE4B5', navajowhite: '#FFDEAD', navy: '#000080', oldlace: '#FDF5E6', olive: '#808000', olivedrab: '#6B8E23', orange: '#FFA500', orangered: '#FF4500', orchid: '#DA70D6', palegoldenrod: '#EEE8AA', palegreen: '#98FB98', paleturquoise: '#AFEEEE', palevioletred: '#DB7093', papayawhip: '#FFEFD5', peachpuff: '#FFDAB9', peru: '#CD853F', pink: '#FFC0CB', plum: '#DDA0DD', powderblue: '#B0E0E6', purple: '#800080', rebeccapurple: '#663399', red: '#FF0000', rosybrown: '#BC8F8F', royalblue: '#4169E1', saddlebrown: '#8B4513', salmon: '#FA8072', sandybrown: '#F4A460', seagreen: '#2E8B57', seashell: '#FFF5EE', sienna: '#A0522D', silver: '#C0C0C0', skyblue: '#87CEEB', slateblue: '#6A5ACD', slategray: '#708090', slategrey: '#708090', snow: '#FFFAFA', springgreen: '#00FF7F', steelblue: '#4682B4', tan: '#D2B48C', teal: '#008080', thistle: '#D8BFD8', tomato: '#FF6347', turquoise: '#40E0D0', violet: '#EE82EE', wheat: '#F5DEB3', white: '#FFFFFF', whitesmoke: '#F5F5F5', yellow: '#FFFF00', yellowgreen: '#9ACD32' }, _rgbaRegExp: /rgba?\(\s*\d+%?\s*,\s*\d+%?\s*,\s*\d+%?\s*(?:,\s*[0-9.]+\s*)?\)/gi, _hslaRegExp: /hsla?\(\s*[0-9.]+\s*,\s*\d+%\s*,\s*\d+%\s*(?:,\s*[0-9.]+\s*)?\)/gi, /** * Parses the `value` used as a `background` property shorthand and returns information as an object. * * **Note:** Currently only the `color` property is extracted. Any other parts will go into the `unprocessed` property. * * var background = '#0C0 url(foo.png)' ); * console.log( background ); * // Logs: { color: '#0C0', unprocessed: 'url(foo.png)' } * * @param {String} value The value of the `background` property. * @returns {Object} An object with information extracted from the background. * @returns {String} return.color The **first** color value found. The color format remains the same as in input. * @returns {String} return.unprocessed The remaining part of the `value` that has not been processed. * @member */ background: function( value ) { var ret = [], colors = []; colors = this._findColor( value ); if ( colors.length ) { ret.color = colors[ 0 ]; colors, function( colorToken ) { value = value.replace( colorToken, '' ); } ); } value = value ); if ( value ) { // If anything was left unprocessed include it as unprocessed part. ret.unprocessed = value; } return ret; }, /** * Parses the `margin` CSS property shorthand format. * * console.log( '3px 0 2' ) ); * // Logs: { top: "3px", right: "0", bottom: "2", left: "0" } * * @param {String} value The `margin` property value. * @returns {Object} * @returns {Number} Top margin. * @returns {Number} return.right Right margin. * @returns {Number} return.bottom Bottom margin. * @returns {Number} return.left Left margin. * @member */ margin: function( value ) { var ret = {}; var widths = value.match( /(?:\-?[\.\d]+(?:%|\w*)|auto|inherit|initial|unset)/g ) || [ '0px' ]; switch ( widths.length ) { case 1: mapStyles( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ); break; case 2: mapStyles( [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ] ); break; case 3: mapStyles( [ 0, 1, 2, 1 ] ); break; case 4: mapStyles( [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] ); break; } function mapStyles( map ) { = widths[ map[ 0 ] ]; ret.right = widths[ map[ 1 ] ]; ret.bottom = widths[ map[ 2 ] ]; ret.left = widths[ map[ 3 ] ]; } return ret; }, /** * Searches the `value` for any CSS color occurrences and returns it. * * @private * @param {String} value * @returns {String[]} An array of matched results. * @member */ _findColor: function( value ) { var ret = [], arrayTools =; // Check for rgb(a). ret = ret.concat( value.match( this._rgbaRegExp ) || [] ); // Check for hsl(a). ret = ret.concat( value.match( this._hslaRegExp ) || [] ); ret = ret.concat( arrayTools.filter( value.split( /\s+/ ), function( colorEntry ) { // Check for hex format. if ( colorEntry.match( /^\#[a-f0-9]{3}(?:[a-f0-9]{3})?$/gi ) ) { return true; } // Check for preset names. return colorEntry.toLowerCase() in; } ) ); return ret; } } }, /** * A set of array helpers. * * @property {} * @member */ array: { /** * Returns a copy of `array` filtered using the `fn` function. Any elements that the `fn` will return `false` for * will get removed from the returned array. * * var filtered = this.array.filter( [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], function( value ) { * // Leave only values equal or greater than 2. * return value >= 2; * } ); * console.log( filtered ); * // Logs: [ 2, 3 ] * * @param {Array} array * @param {Function} fn A function that gets called with each `array` item. Any item that `fn` * returned a `false`-alike value for will be filtered out of the `array`. * @param {Mixed} fn.value The currently iterated array value. * @param {Number} fn.index The index of the currently iterated value in an array. * @param {Array} fn.array The original array passed as the `array` variable. * @param {Mixed} [thisArg=undefined] A context object for `fn`. * @returns {Array} The filtered array. * @member */ filter: function( array, fn, thisArg ) { var ret = []; this.forEach( array, function( val, i ) { if ( thisArg, val, i, array ) ) { ret.push( val ); } } ); return ret; }, /** * Iterates over every element in the `array`. * * @param {Array} array An array to be iterated over. * @param {Function} fn The function called for every `array` element. * @param {Mixed} fn.value The currently iterated array value. * @param {Number} fn.index The index of the currently iterated value in an array. * @param {Array} fn.array The original array passed as an `array` variable. * @param {Mixed} [thisArg=undefined] The context object for `fn`. * @member */ forEach: function( array, fn, thisArg ) { var len = array.length, i; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { thisArg, array[ i ], i, array ); } }, /** * Applies a function to each element of an array and returns the array of results in the same order. * Note the order of the parameters. * * @param {Array} array An array of elements that `fn` is applied on. * @param {Function} fn A function with the signature `a -> b`. * @param {Mixed} [thisArg=undefined] The context object for `fn`. * @returns {Array} An array of mapped elements. * @member * @since 4.6.2 */ map: function( array, fn, thisArg ) { var result = []; for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) { result.push( thisArg, array[ i ], i, array ) ); } return result; }, /** * Applies a function against each value in an array storing the result in an accumulator passed to the next iteration. * Note the order of the parameters. * * @param {Array} array An array of elements that `fn` is applied on. * @param {Function} fn A function with the signature `(accumulator, a, index, array) -> b`. * @param {Mixed} initial Initial value of the accumulator. * @param {Mixed} [thisArg=undefined] The context object for `fn`. * @returns {Mixed} The final value of the accumulator. * @member * @since 4.6.2 */ reduce: function( array, fn, initial, thisArg ) { var acc = initial; for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) { acc = thisArg, acc, array[ i ], i, array ); } return acc; } } }; // Generates a CSRF token with a given length. // // @since 4.5.6 // @param {Number} length // @returns {string} function generateToken( length ) { var randValues = []; var result = ''; if ( window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues ) { randValues = new Uint8Array( length ); window.crypto.getRandomValues( randValues ); } else { for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { randValues.push( Math.floor( Math.random() * 256 ) ); } } for ( var j = 0; j < randValues.length; j++ ) { var character = tokenCharset.charAt( randValues[ j ] % tokenCharset.length ); result += Math.random() > 0.5 ? character.toUpperCase() : character; } return result; } /** * @member * @method indexOf * @inheritdoc */ =; /** * @member * @method isArray * @inheritdoc */ =; /** * The namespace containing functions to work on CSS properties. * * @since 4.6.1 * @class */ /** * The namespace with helper functions to parse some common CSS properties. * * @since 4.6.1 * @class */ /** * The namespace with helper functions and polyfills for arrays. * * @since 4.6.1 * @class */ } )(); // PACKAGER_RENAME( )