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File: clsOnlineUsers.php

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File: clsOnlineUsers.php
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Class: OnlineUsers
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<? /* ************************************************************************ * © All rights reserved. * * This is a standard copyright header for all source code appearing * at This application/class/script may be redistributed, * as long as the above copyright remains intact. * Comments to ************************************************************************ */ /* * @title OnlineUsers Class, incorporating DataProducer class * @author C.Small * @version 2.1 - Public property for frequency of row deletion * @version 2.0 - Database optimisation - change in table structure * @version 1.0 - From an original written by Genesis <> */ class DataProducer { function doDataProducer($startTag,$endTag,$data,$contents) { return $this->privateDataProducer($startTag,$endTag,$data,$contents); } function doSingleDataProducer($data,$contents) { return $this->privateSingleDataProducer($data,$contents); } function openTemplate($filename) { return $this->privateopenTemplate($filename); } function privateDataProducer($startTag,$endTag,$data,$contents) { // Get start and end points $start = strpos($contents,$startTag); $end = strpos($contents,$endTag,$startTag); // Retrieve everything before start tag $prefix = substr($contents,0,$start); $prefix = rtrim($prefix); // Retrieve everything after end tag. Make it starts at the end of end-tag $suffix = substr($contents,$end + strlen($endTag),strlen($contents) - ($end + strlen($endTag))); $suffix = ltrim($suffix); // Retrieve data template. make sure it starts at the end of the start-tag. $dataTemplate = substr($contents,$start + strlen($startTag),$end - ($start + strlen($startTag))); // New method implemented here for ($i=0; $i <= sizeof($data) -1;$i++) { $tempReplace = $dataTemplate; $tempReplace = rtrim($tempReplace); $keys = array_keys($data[$i]); foreach($keys as $keyname) { if (!empty($data[$i][$keyname])) { $tempReplace = str_replace("<".$keyname.">",$data[$i][$keyname],$tempReplace); } else{ $tempReplace = str_replace("<".$keyname.">","",$tempReplace); } } $build .= $tempReplace; } return $prefix . $build . $suffix; } /** * */ function privateSingleDataProducer($data,$contents) { $result = $contents; foreach ($data as $tagname => $value){ $result = str_replace("<".$tagname.">",$value,$result); } return $result; } /** * */ function privateOpenTemplate($filename) { $fHnd = @fopen($filename,"r") or die("<br><b>Unable to open template: ".$filename."</b>"); $contents = @fread($fHnd,filesize($filename)) or die("<br><b>Unable to open template: ".$filename."</b>"); fclose($fHnd); return $contents; } } Class OnlineUsers Extends DataProducer { // Public var $host; var $username; var $password; var $dbname; var $tablename; var $timeout; var $update_frequency = 5; // Private var $conn; var $db; var $totalusers; function dbconnect() { $this->conn = mysql_connect($this->host,$this->username,$this->password); } function setup($createdb) { // Create database if specified if ($createdb) { $SQL = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ".$this->dbname; $result = mysql_query($SQL); } // Connect to specified db + drop table if it exists $this->db = mysql_select_db($this->dbname,$this->conn); $SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$this->tablename; $result = mysql_query($SQL); // Create table with tablename $SQL = "CREATE TABLE ".$this->tablename." ( ip varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , time int(11) , PRIMARY KEY (ip), UNIQUE id (ip), INDEX id_2 (ip) );"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); } function updateAddUser() { global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; $this->db = mysql_select_db($this->dbname,$this->conn); $current_seconds = date(U); $deadline_seconds = $current_seconds - ($this->timeout * 60); $timeout_seconds = $this->timeout * 60; // Delete users that aren't connected anymore, according to $timeout; // (v2) No need to do it everytime - reduces load on heavily hit servers // this does it every 1 in 10 times mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); if (mt_rand(0, $this->update_frequency) == 1) { $SQL = "DELETE FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE time between 0 AND ".$deadline_seconds; $result = mysql_query($SQL); } $user_ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $SQL = "REPLACE INTO ".$this->tablename." (ip,time) VALUES ('".$user_ip."','".$current_seconds."')"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); } function showFullInfo($lookuphosts,$contents) { $this->db = mysql_select_db($this->dbname,$this->conn); $current_seconds = date(U); $this->getUsersOnline(); $tags['totalusers'] = $this->totalusers; $tags['timeout_seconds'] = $this->timeout * 60; $tags['timeout_minutes'] = $this->timeout; $contents = $this->doSingleDataProducer($tags,$contents); unset($tags); $SQL = "SELECT ip,time FROM ".$this->tablename; $result = mysql_query($SQL); while ($RS = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Check it's not immediate if (($current_seconds - $RS[1]) <1) { $tags['seconds_ago'] = " 0"; } else{ $tags['seconds_ago'] = $current_seconds - $RS[1]; } $tags['ipaddress'] = $RS[0]; // Lookup IP host name if specified if ($lookuphosts) { $tags['host'] = gethostbyaddr($RS[0]); } $rows[] = $tags; unset($tags); } $contents = $this->doDataProducer("<user_details>","</user_details>",$rows,$contents); return $contents; } function getUsersOnline() { $this->db = mysql_select_db($this->dbname,$this->conn); // Get number of users online $SQL = "SELECT count(ip) FROM ".$this->tablename; $result = mysql_query($SQL); $RS = mysql_fetch_row($result); $this->totalusers = $RS[0]; return $RS[0]; } } ?>