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File: backups/HtmlTableBU.txt

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  Classes of Gavin Gordon Markowski   PHP Table Chart Builder   backups/HtmlTableBU.txt   Download  
File: backups/HtmlTableBU.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Documentation
Class: PHP Table Chart Builder
Create HTML table with values and calculated cells
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 17,670 bytes



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<?php namespace GGG\Html\ChartBuilder; class HtmlTable { const CALCULATIONS_NS = '\\GGG\\Html\\ChartBuilder\\Calculations\\'; protected $id; // '' protected $data; // [[#,…]|#,…] protected $html; // '' protected $title; // '' protected $headers; // ['',…] protected $calc_data; // [[#,…]|#,…] protected $calc_type; // '' private $data_set; // +|- private $title_set; // +|- private $data_sizes; // ['',…] private $headers_set; // +|- private $calc_data_set; // +|- private $is_responsive; // +|- private $use_bootstrap; // +|- public function __construct( $style = 0, $responsive = 0 ) { $this->id = ''; $this->data = []; $this->html = ''; $this->title = ''; $this->headers = []; $this->calc_data = []; $this->calc_type = []; $this->data_set = false; $this->title_set = false; $this->headers_set = false; $this->calc_data_set = false; if( 0 === intval( $style ) ) { $this->use_bootstrap = false; } if( 1 === intval( $style ) ) { $this->use_bootstrap = true; } if( 0 === intval( $responsive ) ) { $this->is_responsive = false; } if( 1 === intval( $responsive ) ) { $this->is_responsive = true; } return $this; } protected function setTitle( $title ) { if( $this->title_set === false ) { $this->title = ucwords( trim( $title ) ); if( preg_match( '/^(.*\s.*)+$/i', $this->title ) ) { $words = preg_split( '/\s+?/', lcfirst( $this->title ) ); foreach( $words as $index => $word ) { $this->id .= $word; } } else // true !== preg_match( '/^(.*\s.*)+$/i', $this->title ) { $this->id .= lcfirst( $this->title ); } $this->id .= 'Table'; $this->title_set = true; } return $this; } protected function setHeaders( $headers ) { if( $this->headers_set === false ) { array_push( $this->headers, $headers ); $this->headers_set = true; } return $this; } protected function setRowData( $data ) { array_push( $this->data, $data ); $this->data_set = true; return $this; } protected function total() { $calc_type = 'Total'; $calc_type_class = static::CALCULATIONS_NS . $calc_type; $total = new $calc_type_class; array_push( $this->calc_type, $calc_type ); array_push( $this->calc_data, $total->calc( $this->data ) ); $this->calc_data_set = true; return $this; } protected function average() { $calc_type = 'Average'; $calc_type_class = static::CALCULATIONS_NS . $calc_type; $average = new $calc_type_class; array_push( $this->calc_type, $calc_type ); array_push( $this->calc_data, $average->calc( $this->data ) ); $this->calc_data_set = true; return $this; } protected function difference() { $calc_type = 'Difference'; $calc_type_class = static::CALCULATIONS_NS . $calc_type; $difference = new $calc_type_class; array_push( $this->calc_type, $calc_type ); array_push( $this->calc_data, $difference->calc( $this->data ) ); $this->calc_data_set = true; return $this; } protected function highest() { $calc_type = 'Highest'; $calc_type_class = static::CALCULATIONS_NS . $calc_type; $highest = new $calc_type_class; array_push( $this->calc_type, $calc_type ); array_push( $this->calc_data, $highest->calc( $this->data ) ); $this->calc_data_set = true; return $this; } protected function lowest() { $calc_type = 'Lowest'; $calc_type_class = static::CALCULATIONS_NS . $calc_type; $lowest = new $calc_type_class; array_push( $this->calc_type, $calc_type ); array_push( $this->calc_data, $lowest->calc( $this->data ) ); $this->calc_data_set = true; return $this; } protected function setup() { if( true === $this->checkForDataUniformity() ) { $this->initializeSetup(); if( $this->headers_set === true ) { foreach( $this->headers as $data ) { $this->insertHeadersRow( $data ); } } if( $this->data_set === true ) { foreach( $this->data as $row => $data ) { $this->insertDataRow( $row, $data ); } $this->closeDataRow(); } if( $this->calc_data_set === true ) { foreach( $this->calc_data as $row => $data ) { $this->insertCalcDataRow( $row, $data ); } $this->closeCalcDataRow(); } return $this->finishSetup(); } } private function checkForDataUniformity() { $headers_sizes = [ 'rows' => 0, 'data' => [] ]; foreach( $this->headers as $rowI => $row ) { $headers_sizes['rows'] = $rowI + 1; if( is_array( $row ) ) { foreach( $row as $dataI => $data ) { array_push( $headers_sizes['data'], $data ); } } else // false == is_array( $row ) { array_push( $headers_sizes['data'], $row ); } } $data_sizes = [ 'rows' => 0, 'data' => [] ]; foreach( $this->data as $rowI => $row ) { $data_sizes['rows'] = $rowI + 1; foreach( $row as $dataI => $data ) { array_push( $data_sizes['data'], count( $data ) ); } } $calc_data_sizes = [ 'rows' => 0, 'data' => [] ]; foreach( $this->calc_data as $rowI => $row ) { $calc_data_sizes['rows'] = $rowI + 1; foreach( $row as $dataI => $data ) { array_push( $calc_data_sizes['data'], count( $data ) ); } } $headers_size = count( $headers_sizes['data'] ) / $headers_sizes['rows']; $data_size = count( $data_sizes['data'] ) / $data_sizes['rows']; $calc_data_size = count( $calc_data_sizes['data'] ) / $calc_data_sizes['rows']; if( $headers_size != 0 && $data_size != 0 && $calc_data_size != 0 ) { if( $headers_size === $data_size && $data_size === $calc_data_size && $calc_data_size === $headers_size ) { $this->data_sizes = [ 'headers' => [ 'rows' => $headers_sizes['rows'], 'cols' => $headers_size ], 'data' => [ 'rows' => $data_sizes['rows'], 'cols' => $data_size ], 'calc_data' => [ 'rows' => $calc_data_sizes['rows'], 'cols' => $calc_data_size ] ]; return true; } else // $headers_size !== $data_size && $data_size !== $calc_data_size && $calc_data_size !== $headers_size { if( $headers_size !== $data_size ) { echo 'The "$headers" [' . $headers_size . '] and "$data" [' . $data_size . '] data array sizes do not match one and other.'; } if( $data_size !== $calc_data_size ) { echo 'The "$data" [' . $data_size . '] and "$calc_data" [' . $calc_data_size . '] data array sizes do not match one and other.'; } if( $calc_data_size !== $headers_size ) { echo 'The "$calc_data" [' . $calc_data_size . '] and "$headers" [' . $headers_size . '] data array sizes do not match one and other.'; } } } else // $headers_size == 0 && $data_size == 0 && $calc_data_size == 0 { echo 'One or more data array sizes either (i) do not match the size of one or more of the others, or (ii) do not contain any data at all.'; } return false; } private function initializeSetup() { if( $this->use_bootstrap === true ) { $this->setupBootstrapTable(); } else // $this->use_bootstrap !== true { $this->setupBasicTable(); } } private function insertHeadersRow( $d ) { if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $row_index_header = '#'; $ctx = ' style="border-top:1px solid #DDDDDD;border-right:1px solid #DDDDDD;border-bottom:2px solid #DDDDDD;border-left:1px solid #DDDDDD;"'; $ctx2 = ' style="border:1px solid #DDDDDD;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; if( $this->calc_data_set === true ) { if( $this->use_bootstrap === true ) { $row_index_header = '#</b> <span class="text-muted">/</span> <b>='; } else { $row_index_header = '#</b> <span style="color:rgba(0,0,0,0.33);">/</span> <b>='; } } if( $this->use_bootstrap === true ) { $ctx = NULL; $ctx2 = ' class="text-center"'; } $this->html .=<<<EOH <thead> <tr{$ctx}> <th{$ctx2}> <b>{$row_index_header}</b> </th> EOH; foreach( $d as $index => $header ) { $header = ucwords( $header ); $this->html .=<<<EOH <th{$ctx2}> <b>{$header}</b> </th> EOH; } $this->html .=<<<EOH </tr> </thead> EOH; } } private function insertDataRow( $r, $d ) { $ctx = ' style="border:1px solid #DDDDDD;"'; $ctx2 = ' style="border:1px solid #DDDDDD;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; if( $this->use_bootstrap === true ) { $ctx = NULL; $ctx2 = ' class="text-center"'; } if( $r === 0 ) { if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <tbody> EOH; } else // $this->headers_set !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH <tbody> EOH; } } if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <tr{$ctx}> <td{$ctx2}> {$r} </td> EOH; } else // $this->headers_set !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH <tr{$ctx}> <td{$ctx2}> {$r} </td> EOH; } foreach( $d as $index => $data ) { $ctx = NULL; $ctx2 = NULL; if( $this->use_bootstrap === true ) { switch( $index ) { case 0: $ctx2 = ' class="info text-center"'; break; case 1: $ctx2 = ' class="success text-center"'; break; case 2: $ctx2 = ' class="warning text-center"'; break; case 3: $ctx2 = ' class="danger text-center"'; break; } } else // $this->use_bootstrap !== true { switch( $index ) { case 0: $ctx2 = ' style="background:rgb(217,237,247);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; case 1: $ctx2 = ' style="background:rgb(223,240,216);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; case 2: $ctx2 = ' style="background:rgb(252,248,227);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; case 3: $ctx2 = ' style="background:rgb(242,222,222);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; } } if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <td{$ctx2}> {$data} </td> EOH; } else // $this->headers_set !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH <td{$ctx2}> {$data} </td> EOH; } } if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tr> EOH; } else // $this->headers_set !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tr> EOH; } } private function closeDataRow() { if( $this->headers_set === true ) { if( $this->calc_data_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tbody> EOH; } } else // $this->headers_set !== true { if( $this->calc_data_set === false ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tbody> EOH; } } } private function insertCalcDataRow( $r, $d ) { $ctx = ' style="background:#F5F5F5;border-top:3px double #888888;border-right:1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;border-left:1px solid #DDDDDD;"'; $ctx2 = ' style="border:1px solid #DDDDDD;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; $cell_tag = 'td'; if( $this->use_bootstrap === true ) { $ctx = ' class="active" style="border-top:3px double #888888;"'; $ctx2 = ' class="text-center"'; } if( $r === 0 ) { if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <tfoot> EOH; } } if( $this->data_set === true ) { $cell_tag = 'th'; } if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <tr{$ctx}> <{$cell_tag}{$ctx2}> {$this->calc_type[ $r ]} </{$cell_tag}> EOH; } else // $this->headers_set !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH <tr{$ctx}> <{$cell_tag}{$ctx2}> {$this->calc_type[ $r ]} </{$cell_tag}> EOH; } foreach( $d as $index => $calc_data ) { $ctx = NULL; $ctx2 = NULL; if( $this->use_bootstrap === true ) { switch( $index ) { case 0: $ctx2 = ' class="text-info text-center"'; break; case 1: $ctx2 = ' class="text-success text-center"'; break; case 2: $ctx2 = ' class="text-warning text-center"'; break; case 3: $ctx2 = ' class="text-danger text-center"'; break; } } else // $this->use_bootstrap !== true { switch( $index ) { case 0: // #5BC0DE $ctx2 = ' style="color:rgb(49,99,139);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;font-weight:bold!important;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; case 1: // #5CB86C $ctx2 = ' style="color:rgb(60,118,61);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;font-weight:bold!important;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; case 2: // #F0AD4E $ctx2 = ' style="color:rgb(138,109,59);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;font-weight:bold!important;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; case 3: // #D9534F $ctx2 = ' style="color:rgb(169,68,66);border:1px solid #DDDDDD;font-weight:bold!important;text-align:center;padding:8px;vertical-align:top;line-height:1.428571429;"'; break; } } if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <{$cell_tag}{$ctx2}> {$calc_data} </{$cell_tag}> EOH; } else // $this->headers_set !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH <{$cell_tag}{$ctx2}> {$calc_data} </{$cell_tag}> EOH; } } if( $this->headers_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tr> EOH; } else // $this->headers_set !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tr> EOH; } } private function closeCalcDataRow() { if( $this->headers_set === true ) { if( $this->data_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tfoot> EOH; } } else // $this->headers_set !== true { if( $this->data_set === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH </tbody> EOH; } } } private function setupBootstrapTable() { $props = ' class="table table-hover table-bordered"'; if( $this->title_set === true ) { $props = ' id="' . $this->id . '"' . $props; $this->html .=<<<EOH <div class="container"> <h2 class="text-center">{$this->title}</h2> </div> EOH; } if( $this->is_responsive === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <div class="table-responsive"> <table{$props}> EOH; } else // $this->is_responsive !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH <table{$props}> EOH; } } private function setupBasicTable() { $props = ' style="width:100%;margin:0 auto;font-family:\'Helvetica Neue\',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;border:1px solid #DDDDDD;empty-cells:show;border-collapse:collapse;line-height:1.428571429;"'; if( $this->title_set === true ) { $props = ' id="' . $this->id . '"' . $props; $this->html .=<<<EOH <div style="width:100%;"> <h2 style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:30px;text-align:center;">{$this->title}</h2> </div> EOH; } if( $this->is_responsive === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH <div style="width:100%;margin:0 auto;"> <table{$props}> EOH; } else // $this->is_responsive !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH <table{$props}> EOH; } } private function finishSetup() { if( $this->is_responsive === true ) { $this->html .=<<<EOH </table> </div> EOH; } else // $this->is_responsive !== true { $this->html .=<<<EOH </table> EOH; } return $this->html; } }