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File: qcm3.txt

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File: qcm3.txt
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: QCM configuration
Class: QCM Class
Load, display and correct online questionnaires
Author: By
Last change: new qcmfile example
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 13,374 bytes



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; ; qcm3.txt ; ; ==================================================================================== ; IMPORTANT: # This file have two parts separated by a dot, alone on a line: # - the header (how the test must works) # - the items (questions) themselves # In each part, each line beginning by ; or by # is a comment and will be ignored by the QCM class # In the syntaxes, | indicates an alternative, and [] indicates optional values # In alternatives, 0 means false or not and 1 means true or yes # All keys in the header can be commented without problem. # In this case nothing will be displayed nor sent. So you won't see anything. ; ===================================================================================== ; ; ; >>> HEADER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; INFORMATIONS ABOUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE ; # Organization proposing the test ; Syntax: org=My Society ; Default: empty value ; Can be commented. org=FTF ; # Indicate if a banner must be displayed and where (top or|and bottom, left|center|right) ; Syntax: logo=top[,bottom],left|center|right,filename|url-image ; Default: empty value ; These parameters can be written in any order (top and bottom can be cumulative). ; Can be commented. logo=top,center,qcmbanner.png ; # Author's name and mail address of the test. ; Syntax: Firstname LASTNAME,mail address ; Default: empty value ; Can be commented. author=Pierre FAUQUE, ; # Release date of the test ; Syntax: release=mmm YYYY ; Default: empty value ; Can be commented. release=jun 2011 ; # Version of the test ; Syntax: version=version of the test ; Default: empty value ; Can be commented. version=1.3 ; # Title of the test ; Syntax: title=Title of the test ; Default: empty value ; Can be commented. title=Prerequired network test ; # Goal of the questionnaire (test or inquiry) ; Syntax: goal=test|opinion ; Default: test ; Can be commented. ; goal=test ; # Categories of questions (if exist categories) ; Syntax: categories=category 1[,category 2[,category 3[,category n]]] ; Default: empty value (no categories) ; Can be commented if no categories categories=Culture,Networks,Protocols,Softwares,Movies ; # Minimum normal time and maximum normal time (example: correct time between 10 and 20 mn) ; Syntax: mintime|maxtime=HH:MN:SS ; Default: empty value ; Each of them or both can be can be commented. ; mintime=00:10:00 ; maxtime=00:20:00 ; # Begin and end of the test. ; Syntax: starton|stopon=DD/MM/AAAA HH:MN ; Default: empty value ; Each of them or both can be can be commented. ; starton=01/10/2004 09:00 ; stopon=15/10/2004 18:00 ; # Threshold of success (in %) ; Syntax: thresold=integer|decimal number (without %, decimal separator: .) ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. ; threshold=75.5 ; ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; WHAT TO DO WHEN DISPLAYING THE QUESTIONNAIRE ; # Defined language for the system, not for the text of the test ; Syntax: language=internet domain ; Default: fr (no language file needed) ; Filename of the language file: texts.<internet domain>.txt (example: texts.en.txt,, ...) ; Can be commented (french). ; language=en ; # Define the color of the test page ; Syntax: color=#RRGGBB|reserved color name ; Default: #D0D0D0 ; Can be commented. ; bgcolor=#D0D0D0 ; # Ask for what ? ; Syntax: askfor=none|supplied|name[,phone[,mail]] ; Default: none (anonymous test) ; supplied means: all informations about the student are supplied into an array(id,lname,fname,sex,email) ; If there is "mail", the result will be send to this address if this field is completed ; "phone" doesn't works on Internet (only on my professionnal intranet). MUST NOT BE MENTIONED OR UNCOMMENTED ; Can be commented. ; askfor=name,mail askfor=supplied ; # How to ask ? ; Syntax: userlist=none|file,filemname ; Default: none ; Type in name and address or choose the name in a list ? ; Can be commented. ; userlist=none ; # Show or not the number of the question ; Syntax: shownum=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. shownum=1 ; # Show or not the title of the test ; Syntax: showtitle=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. showtitle=1 ; # Define the character lag for the proposals ; Syntax: indentsize=integer ; Default: 8 ; Can be commented. ; indentsize=8 ; # Define the character used to specify a place where to insert a defined field ; Syntax: insertpoint=character ; Default: | ; Can be commented. ; insertpoint=| ; ; ABOUT MULTIMEDIA DOCUMENTS ; # Displaying a YouTube video ; Syntax: youtube=width,height ; Default: 384,288 ; Can be commented ; youtube=384,288 ; # Displaying a Dailymotion video ; Syntax: dailymotion=width,height ; Default: 384,288 ; Can be commented ; dailymotion=384,288 ; # Displaying a FLV video ; Syntax: dewtube=width,height ; Default: 384,288 ; Can be commented ; dewtube=384,288 ; # Displaying an audio mp3 file ; Syntax: dewplayer=width,height[,color] ; Default: 200,20,#424A5B ; Can be commented. width and height can be mentionned without color ; dewplayer=200,20,#424A5B ; ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; HOW TO CORRECT THE TEST ; # Count sum of points of correct answers (1) or number of good answers (0) ; Syntax: ponderation=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. ; ponderation=0 ; # Define the type of results ; Syntax: details=short|medium|large|full ; Default: medium ; Can be commented. ; details=full ; # ; Syntax: imgtype=jpg|jpeg|gif|png ; Default: png ; Can be commented. ; imgtype=png ; ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; WHAT TO DO WHEN THE TEST IS DONE ; # Type of chart (if chart) ; Syntax: drawchart=none|pie|histo|lines ; Default: none ; If a chart is asked (different of none) the web directory in which the files are must have write rights ; Can be commented. drawchart=histo ; # Draw or not a recapitulative sheet (if exist categories) ; Syntax: drawsheet=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. drawsheet=1 ; # Mail address to send results to (generally teacher's mail) ; Syntax: mailto=mail address ; Default: empty value ; Can be commented. ; ; # Define the charset of the mails content ; Syntax: charset=iso-charset ; Default: iso-8859-1 ; Can be commented. ; charset=iso-8859-1 ; # Phone number to send results to (only on my professionnal intranet) ; Syntax: smsto=phone number ; Default: empty value ; MUST BE COMMENTED OR NOT MENTIONED. ; smsto=+33683485270 ; # If not standard SQL server, define where the server is (host:port) ; Syntax: sqlserver=host:port (mysql port=3306 / postgresql port=5432) ; Default: localhost:3306 ; Can be commented. ; sqlserver=localhost:3306 ; # How to save (or not) the results ; Syntax: save=none|file,filename|server-type,database,table,user,password ; Default: none ; Can be commented. ; save=none ; # Display an alert box to say a mail have been sent ; Syntax: alert=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. alert=1 ; # Indicate or not the IP number of the student in the mail headers ; Syntax: showsender=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. showsender=1 ; # Indicate or not the IP number of the server in the mail headers ; Syntax: showserver=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. showserver=1 ; # Indicate or not if a new version exists (in the mail or on the test page) ; Syntax: checkvers=0|1 ; Default: 0 ; Can be commented. ; checkvers=1 ; # Define the string or the character used to notice that a new version of this class exists ; Syntax: flagnew=character|text ; Default: * ; Can be commented. ; flagnew=* ; # Define the URL where the questionnaire is ; Syntax: site=url ; Default: empty value ; Can be commented. site= ; # Define where to go when the questionnaire is done ; Syntax: urlback=url ; Default: # (current page) ; Can be commented. urlback= ; ; ######################################### END OF HEADER ####################################### . # >>> ITEMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # IMPORTANT # To separate items, each item must be followed by a blank line EXCEPT THE LAST ITEM of this file # The last line of this file must not be a blank line. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Properties of an item: # item type ; category number (if categories) ; correct response(s) ; points (1 or more if ponderation=1) ;; mm (if multimedia item) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; line 1: Item properties ; line 2: Text of the question ; line 3: ; type 0: QCMRU. One line by proposal (line 3 and more) ; type 1: QCMRM. One line by proposal (line 3 and more) ; type 2: Sort. List of proposals to be ordered ; type 3: Association. First list of proposals to be displayed as text on the web page ; type 4: Completion. Proposal to be completed with a selected element in a list ; type 5: QROC. Proposal to be completed with a word(s) ; line 4: ; type 3: Association. Secund list of proposal to be displayed in combos ; type 4: Completion. List of proposals to be displayed as combo in which select to complete ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; # Category: Protocols (3). Associations ; Verify if the main internet services are known ; French: Associez les services internet suivants avec leurs ports respectifs. ; FTP=21 ; HTTP=80 ; NNTP=119 ; SMTP=25 3;3;2,7,9,5;1 Associate the following internet services with their respective ports FTP,HTTP,NNTP,SMTP 7,21,22,23,25,53,80,110,119 # Category: Culture (1). QCMRU ; French: L'inventeur du langage HTML est Marc Andressen. ; False. HTML have been invented by Tim Berners-Lee. ; Marc Andressen have invented the first graphic browser : Mosaic 0;1;2;1 The inventor of the HTML language is Marc Andressen True False # Category: Softwares (4). QCMRM ; French: Cochez ci-dessous les logiciels permettant d'envoyer du courrier SMTP ; SMTP: Eudora, Outlook Express, Netscape, News Xpress (NNTP+SMTP) ; MS-Mail: not SMTP mails but Microsoft mail format ; Internet Explorer (HTTP), LeechFTP (FTP), mIRC (NNTP) 1;4;2,3,6,7;1 Check the following softwares allowing to send SMTP mails Internet Explorer Eudora Outlook Express LeechFTP mIRC Netscape News Xpress MS-Mail # Category: Networks (2). Sort ; Verifiy if the network layers are known ; French: Classez ces couches réseau dans l'ordre (1 = la plus haute) ; Order: Application,Presentation,Session,Transport,Network,Liaison-data,Physic ; The highest being the Application, layer number 1 2;2;1,4,6,7,5,2,3;1 Classify these network layers in numerical order (1 = the highest) Application,Liaison-data,Physic,Presentation,Network,Session,Transport # Category: Softwares (4). QCMRU ; French: Cochez ci-dessous le logiciel intrus. ; All are client softwares except Apache which is a server (web) 0;4;6;1 Check below the software intruder Internet Explorer Outlook Express Eudora LeechFTP Netscape Apache # Category: Network (2). Associations ; Verify if the network classes are known ; French: Associez les numéros IP ci-dessous avec la classe de réseau correspondante ;,,, , 3;2;2,3,1,3;1 Associate the following IP numbers with the corresponding network classes,,, Class A,Class B,Class C # Category: Protocols (3). Sort ; Verify if the port numbers are known ; French: Classez ces protocoles dans l'ordre numérique de leur port (1= le plus petit) ; FTP:21, SSH:22, Telnet:23, SMTP:25, HTTP:80, NNTP:119, MySQL:3306 2;3;5,1,4,3,2,6,7;1 Sort these protocols in the numerical order of their ports (1 = smallest) SSH,HTTP,SMTP,Telnet,FTP,NNTP,MySQL # Category: Culture (1). QCMRM ; French: Parmi ces noms quels sont ceux qui ont participé à la création de TCP/IP ; TCP/IP : Paul BARRAN, Larry ROBERTS ; HTML : Tim BERNERS-LEE ; Netscape : Marc ANDRESSEN, Jim CLARK 1;1;2,5;1 Among these names which are the ones which participated in the creation of TCP/IP Marc ANDRESSEN Paul BARRAN Tim BERNERS-LEE Jim CLARK Larry ROBERTS # Category: Movies (5). QCMRU ; French: Quel est le nom de cette jeune actrice<br/><#yt GYguHzMBwQQ #> ; Suzuka Ohgo 0;5;2;1;mm What is the name of this young actress<br/><#yt GYguHzMBwQQ #> Li Gong Suzuka Ohgo Ziyi Zhang Michelle Yeoh # Category: : Softwares (4). To complete ; Verify if the MySQL server port is known ; French: Sélectionnez la bonne réponse pour que la phrase ci-dessous soit correcte ; A "MySQL" server runs on the port 3306 ; FTP=21 ; SMTP=25 ; HTTP=80 ; NNTP=119 ; MySQL=3306 4;4;3;1 Select the good answer to make the following sentence correct A | server runs on the port 3306 FTP,HTTP,MySQL,SMTP,NNTP # Category: Culture (1). QROC ; French: Complétez la phrase ci-dessous. ; Linux had been invented by "Linus" Torvalds ; |5| = input width 5;1;linus;1 Complete the following sentence Linux had been invented by |5| Torvalds